The quarterback and seven other recognized leaders will receive honorary degrees. 6 p.m.Class Day, the Geisel School of Medicine, 6 p.m., Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center lawn, 11 a.m.Tuck School of Business Investiture Ceremony, Memorial Stadium, Roger W. Ferguson Jr. will be the speaker, 2 p.m.The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice ceremony, Memorial Stadium, 5 p.m.Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies Ceremony, pre-recorded event will be availableon the schools YouTube channel, 12 NoonThayer School of Engineering Investiture Ceremony, Memorial Stadium, Ernest J. Moniz will be the keynote speaker, 1-6 p.m.Guarini will have a celebration for graduates and their ticket-holding guests on the Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center lawn, 2 p.m.Baccalaureate, a multifaith service, to be broadcast virtually, 11 a.m.Commencement, Memorial Stadium, Annette-Gordon Reed 81 will be featured speaker; to be livestreamed for those unable to attend. On campus and local accommodation information and full program details will be posted on the 2020 Celebration website closer to the event date. He is currently the Steven A. Tananbaum Distinguished Fellow for International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. 9 a.m.Geisel School of MedicineClass Day, outside the Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center. She was a member of the Board of Trustees from 2010 to 2018 bringing an academic perspective to the Board, according to community members at the time and a panelist at the 2013 inauguration of College President Phil Hanlon. Don't make the world worse. Pendleton is cofounder of two of the most innovative and popular American dance companies of the past 50 years: Pilobolus and Momix, of which he is artistic director. We inspire students to practice good global citizenship while strengthening their own communities. He has received 21 honorary doctoral degrees from American and European colleges and universities. Additional speakers will address the graduating class during the ceremony. Dartmouth has always held a very special place for me and my family, said Wilson. He placed energy science and technology innovation at the center of the Paris Agreement response to climate change and negotiated the Iran nuclear agreement alongside the Secretary of State. She is principal Investigator of NASAs Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, based on technologies Harrison and colleagues developed over more than a decade. At the time, Haldemanwho chaired the Dartmouth Board of Trustees from 2007 to 2012 after serving as a trustee since 2004was no stranger to taking on leadership of organizations in challenging circumstances. Dartmouth will welcome Class of 2020 graduates and their guests back to campus from Friday, August 5 Sunday, August 7 for an in-person celebration bringing together the Class of 2020. Moniz joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty in 1973, and served as head of the Department of Physics and founding director of the MIT Energy Initiative. _commencement_eb_2345-2" onerror="'none'"> <p>At the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year, the prospect of an in-person commencement, let alone one without masks, seemed far-flung. On Sunday, over 2,000 members of the Class of 2021 and graduates of the professional schools gathered on Memorial Field for their commencement ceremony. Up until 1995 this committee consisted of students, staff, faculty members and one trustee. We look forward to seeing you and your families and supporters next year as we honor the awesome Class of 2020! Fans of Dartmouth and football know that Wilson has deep roots on the Hanover Plain: His father, the lateHarrison Wilson III 77a Big Green receiver who also played shortstop and third base on the baseball teamand three uncles attended Dartmouth. Ferguson is a member of the Smithsonian Institutions board of regents and the Institute for Advanced Studys board of trustees. For more information on the 2012 UMass Dartmouth Commencement exercises, please visit, or call 508.910.6971. But it is now clear that the risk of hosting events of this magnitude in mid-June, with students, families, alumni, and friends from all over the world gathering on the Green in such close proximity, is simply too great a risk to take. And while they are busy dreaming, the really happy people, the really successful people, the really interesting, engaged, powerful people, are busy doing., I knew right out of college what many people still dont understand: Countries dont become great by themselvesit takes heroic sacrifice. The Class of 2021 faced unprecedented challenges and are entering a world in need of solutions, speakers said. It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the need to postpone Dartmouth's Commencement exercises, including graduate and professional school Investiture ceremonies, for the Class of 2020. You can invest in our future leaders. For the book, Gordon-Reed won the 2008 National Book Award and the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for history. The ceremony will be held outdoors, rain or shine. Journalists and Authors Perhaps because it's assumed that. aScriptAttributes.push('data-spotx_unmute_on_mouse="1"'); Claudia Goldin (Doctor of Humane Letters). Biden . For lots of us who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, she was centralsomeone you wouldnt hesitate to ask for advice or even a favor. Take a look at the advice offered by past commencement speakers, who range from world leaders to social entrepreneurs to groundbreaking figures in arts and entertainment. Tell your loved ones and check the website for updates. Gordon-Reed will deliver the main address and receive an honorary degree during the June 13 ceremony. 4. U.S. Sen. Tina Smith, Tuck 84, will deliver the address. One of the postdocs who met with Albright during that visit was Jeff Friedman, now an associate professor of government at Dartmouth. This years honorary degree recipients will also include attorney and economist Roger W. Ferguson Jr., poet and essayist Louise Glck, founder and CEO of the online learning platform Khan Academy Sal Khan who addressed the Class of 2020 at last years virtual graduation Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, artist and poet N. Scott Momaday, nuclear physicist Ernest J. Moniz and choreographer Moses Pendleton 71. We are excited to offer the class of 2020 members free on-campus housing for returning class members, thanks to a generous gift to underwrite all housing fees from a Dartmouth community member. His Olympic ambitions were shattered, literally, when a classmates kick broke one of Pendletons legs during a soccer game. Thanks to . We look forward to the day when we can welcome you back to Dartmouth to celebrate your academic accomplishments in person with you. Your commencement will take on extra-special meaning for all of us next year. He has also had endorsement deals with several major brands. And that day will be filled with all the pomp and circumstance you so rightly deserve. There is a reception for all Class of 2020 members and their guests on Friday, August 5, at 6:00 p.m., a celebratory barbecue lunch on Saturday, August 6, following the Class of 2020 ceremony, and a grab-and-go breakfast on Sunday morning. She asked sharp questions, made constructive suggestions, and certainly knew how to command a room, Friedman said. Pendleton formed Pilobolus with three fellow students in 1971. And its easier to focus on the 100 reasons you shouldnt do something rather than the one reason you should., There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized., Whatever the discipline, whatever the profession you embrace, its possible, over the years, to better this often fetid world. return check; } Is it to choose a time when the largest number of classmates can return? 3:30 p.m.Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced StudiesCeremony Investiture Ceremony, on the Green; a masters and a PhD student will speak at the investiture. We will be consulting with members of the senior class to determine the ideal date and program. In the months ahead, our Alumni Relations team will be reaching out to you to plan a future celebration that not only honors your outstanding achievements, but is reflective of how you wish it to be. 2022 Commencement Speakers | Ivy Coach (212) 600-0312 Click Here for a Free Consultation About Admissions Counseling SAT/ACT Tutoring Resources News Blog Ivy Coach College Admissions Blog "Way to tell it like it is, Ivy Coach" - The Dartmouth 2022 Commencement Speakers May 3, 2022 2. Commencement 2023 Commencement exercises will take place on Sunday, June 11, 2023 with the academic procession beginning at 9:00 am and the ceremony at 9:30 am. A video featuring the honorary degree recipients will be posted during the week of commencement. Yo-Yo Ma concludes his commencement address with a Catalonian folk song. Bhartia served as a member of the board of governors at the Indian Institute of Technology and the Institute of Marketing and Management, the executive committees of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Confederation of Indian Industry, and of the Task Force on Chemicals, appointed by the government of India. The trailblazing diplomat was a commencement speaker, 2014 visitor, and proud parent. Class of 2020, I'm so sorry to have to delay our in-person graduation celebration, but I look forward to the day when we can gather together, again, in good health and good spirits to honor your accomplishments with your family, friends, and the 50-year reunion Class of 1970 by your sides. Newman will deliver the keynote address at the Thayer School of Engineering Investiture Ceremony. commencement speakers are conventionally successful, so telling . He is also a member of Governors for Chemistry and Advanced Materials of the World Economic Forum. Gordon-Reed will deliver the main address and receive an honorary degree during the June 13 ceremony. As that work gets underway, our overarching goal will be to identify a date that maximizes the number of you who are able to attend. If you wish to discuss or request disability-related adjustments for participation in the celebration, please contact Commencement exercises will take place on Sunday, June 11, 2023 with the academic procession beginning at 9:00 am and the ceremony at 9:30 am. On June 14 of this year, we will host a virtual event to mark the awarding of both undergraduate and advanced degrees. The housing application is now open and is due Friday, July 1 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Russell Wilson is one of the great athletes of our time, but its off the fieldas a philanthropist and as an entrepreneurwhere his true character shines. Bhartia was nominated a member of the Upper House of Indian Parliament from 2006 to 2012, serving on the parliamentary committees on energy, women empowerment, and human resource development. A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the American Philosophical Society, Gordon-Reed has also received a breadth of other accolades throughout her career, including the Frederick Douglass Book Prize, a Guggenheim fellowship in the humanities and the National Humanities Medal. She has also given talks on campus about Jefferson and the Constitution. Ernest Moniz served as the 13th U.S. Secretary of Energy from 2013 to January 2017. She was the president of the American Economic Association and of the Economic History Association and received the Nemmers Prize in Economics in 2020 and the BBVA Prize in 2019. You can invest in our future leaders. 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If you no longer have your original regalia from 2020, you can order regalia online at a cost of $28. . The company has a worldwide following. June 11, 2018 11:01 AM EDT. Is it to have available housing for classmates and/or your loved ones? Ferguson served on President Barack Obamas Council on Jobs and Competitiveness and co-chaired the National Academy of Sciences Committee on the Long-Run Macro-Economic Effects of the Aging U.S. Population. document.write(''); Since her graduation, Gordon-Reed has remained engaged with the Dartmouth community. If you wish to have your regalia shipped to your home, the online order deadline is July 10. else Commencement holds great joy and deep meaning to every member of the Dartmouth community, but especially to our seniors and the coupled 50-year reunion class. After much deliberation and in light of the persistence with which the pandemic has raged on around the world and the slower-than-anticipated rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, weve come to the extraordinarily difficult decision that we will not be able to welcome you back to campus for a commencement celebration this June, as we had originally hoped. Among her many books, she is the author ofUnderstanding the Gender Gap: An Economic History of American Women, The Race between Education and Technology, andCareer & Family: Womens Century-Long Journey Toward Equity. } A full schedule of events is available here. Ceremonies for the graduate and professional schools will also be held in-person, on campus. Its easier to poke holes in an idea than it is to think of ways to fill them. Your fulfillment in life will come by how well you end your freedom. The Class of 2022 student speakers to tell stories of personal and academic success. He is a member of the Native American and the Stanford University Alumni halls of fame, and in 2007, was named Oklahoma Centennial Poet Laureate. Were looking forward to welcoming you back to Hanover and celebrating with you. Shobhana Bhartia (Doctor of Humane Letters). The group has a strong presence in the pharmaceuticals, proprietary novel drugs, life science ingredients, agri products, performance polymers, food service, food, auto, and aerospace and oilfield services sectors. Over the past decade, Dartmouth graduates have heard from a wide range of commencement speakers, including writers, policymakers, social entrepreneurs, and a comedian. He holds three degrees from Harvard University: a BA, JD, and a PhD in economics. { Moniz graduated summa cum laude with a bachelors degree in physics from Boston College. She was the director of the National Bureau of Economic Researchs Development of the American Economy program from 1989 to 2017 and is currently co-director of the NBERs Gender in the Economy group. (Photo courtesy West2East Empire). All family and guests are welcome to attend; no tickets are required. Of Albrights April 2014 visit to Dartmouth, Benjamin said, She loved the College. Please participate in the survey coming your way next month. Please know that I did not come to this decision lightly. Dava Newman:MIT Media Lab director and professor of astronautics. Family members and guests will be seated in the lawn area. Charles Ed Haldeman 70 (Doctor of Humane Letters). As secretary, he advanced clean energy, nuclear security, and cutting-edge scientific research capabilities. var bMobile = mobileAndTabletcheck(), All graduating students caninvite two gueststo one of the commencement events. A member of the Kiowa tribe in Oklahoma, Momaday won the Pulitzer Prize for his novelHouse Made of Dawn. His awards include the U.S. Peace Corps Harris Wofford Global Citizen Award; Dartmouths Martin Luther King Jr. Social Justice Award for Lifetime Achievement; and UNICEF-USAs Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award. A strong proponent of corporate social responsibility, he established Jubilant Bhartia Foundation for community development. Some people have asked, why not just assign a date and move forward? We are listening and heard you, loud and clear, that the input of your classmatesfrom surveying your class to being part of the date selection--is important to you and we are honoring that. Commencement assembly of seniors happens on Sunday, when family and friends are invited to campus to take part in graduation festivities. UMass Dartmouth commencement and baccalaureate service records, URC-017. In 1980, Pendleton branched off on his own with the creation of Momix, for which he has directed shows for the past 41 years. Festivities will include a special ceremony on Saturday morning*, August 6, as well as opportunities to socialize with classmates, loved ones, and members of the Dartmouth community throughout the weekend. Additionally, the group . Previously, she has held professorships at the University of Oxford and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard. She met with 60 or 70 undergraduates, and then she went on to chat with staff and everyone else. While there, he developed math software for children with ADHD and tutored public school students in Boston. A nine-time Pro Bowl player, Wilson has won 113 games, including playoffs, the most in NFL history by any quarterback in his first 10 seasons. Her honors also include the Wallace Stevens Award from the Academy of American Poets, the Lannan Literary Award for Poetry, a Sara Teasdale Memorial Prize, the MIT Anniversary Medal, and a Gold Medal for Poetry from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Dear Class of 2020:As summer settles in, we continue to think of all of you and your families as we plan your promised on-campus commencement celebration. College President Phil Hanlon and the senior classs valedictory speaker to be announced once final grades are calculated in early June will deliver their own speeches. I am delighted that we are able to make good on that promise this summer. The Sunday, June 12 event will be like those of pre-pandemic years, as the community gathers in the center of campus to celebrate. That students name will be announced during the week of commencement, after final grades are calculated. Wilson will receive an honorary degree at commencement along with seven other leaders in the fields of physics, engineering, economics, media, business and finance, and international development. Philip J. Hanlon 77, 18th president of Dartmouth, will lead the procession, followed by members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and of the graduate and professional Schools who wish to march. Details on that special online gathering will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Aimee Minbiole can be reached at Gordon-Reed is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor at Harvard. Each of you has a task of lowering the statistics of violence through the acts of peace and justice. He never skied in the Olympics, but he was a choreographer for the Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid in 1980, and the Opening Ceremony of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Hanlon will deliver the valedictory address to the graduates and the student valedictory speaker from the senior class will address the graduates during the ceremony. We still need your help to finalize the program and make this a special ceremony that reflects your class. The interdisciplinary projects include cross-campus and community collaborations. Her research and teaching expertise include aerospace biomedical engineering, astronaut performance, advanced space suit design, leadership development, innovation, and space policy. Adventures are not seamless trips from point A to point B; they have ups and downs and obstacles. Bhartia has been awarded the Officier de lOrdre National de la Lgion dHonneur, the US-India Business Councils Global Leadership Award, E&Ys Entrepreneur of the Year, and a Padma Shri, one of Indias highest civilian honors. Two years after their in-person commencement ceremonies were canceled due to COVID-19, the Class of 2020 from the undergraduate College will have the opportunity to celebrate together on campus, from Aug. 5 to 7. The UMass Dartmouth Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality is excited to announce the 27th annual campus celebration of Women's History Month Event List. By Jeremy Bowers, Emily Davis, Danny DeBelius, Christopher Groskopf, Anya Kamenetz, Meredith Rizzo, Sami Yenigun. I think she engaged every Dickey postdoctoral fellow on his or her work. Her most recent book,On Juneteenth, weaves together memoir and the history of Texas. aScriptAttributes.push('data-spotx_content_width="300"'); Shyam Bhartia is the founder and chairman of Jubilant Bhartia Group, headquartered in New Delhi, India. Based on your feedback and our work with campus partners, we expect to be able to announce the celebration date by the end of this summer. Commencement Ceremony 2021 Will Be Held June 13 This year, for the first time since 2019, commencement will be held on the Green. Fill out an on-campus housing application now. Top row: Louise Glck, Ernest Moniz, N. Scott Momaday. That weekend will include a ceremony and class photo, as well as a barbecue and other activities tailored to the alumni and their families. Well need your help getting the message out to ensure that they can make plans to attend. /**/, hub for information updates about this event. I think she engaged every Dickey postdoctoral fellow on his or her work. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and Harvard University law professor Annette Gordon-Reed 81 will be the Class of 2021 Commencement speaker, the College announced Monday afternoon. Class of 1970 50-year Class Connection RepresentativesBagpipes and ProcessionalWelcome from the ProvostRemarks by Class of 2020 RepresentativeRemarks by Keynote SpeakerStudents Walk with Name CallClass of 2020 OratorRemarks by PresidentAlma MaterRecessional. Dartmouth's plan to bring students back to campus emphasizes the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff and includes vaccination requirements and ongoing COVID-19 testing. Pre-ordered regalia shipped to Dartmouth will be available for pick-up at the registration tent on the Life Sciences Center lawn on Friday, August 5 from 38 PM. He is also the founder of the nonprofits Khan Lab Schoola laboratory school in Mountain View, Calif. and, which offers free tutoring. We are thrilled to welcome you and your families back to Hanover to honor your class with an in-person Commencement in 2022. Cheryl Bascomb 82, Vice President for Alumni Relations, Copyright 2023 Trustees of Dartmouth College, Guarini School of Graduate & Advanced Studies, Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies. Gathering will be seated in the Celebration, please visit, or call 508.910.6971 also be held outdoors rain. Who met with 60 or 70 undergraduates, and a PhD in Economics the Institute. Poke holes in an idea than it is to think of ways fill. Of personal and academic success all of us next year as we honor the awesome Class of 2021 faced challenges! A video featuring the dartmouth commencement speakers degree during the week of commencement is a member of Governors for Chemistry and Materials. A bachelors degree in physics from Boston College 2009 Pulitzer Prize for history of seniors happens on Sunday, family... We are able to make good on that special online gathering will be announced the... Some people have asked, why not just assign a date and program @ summa cum laude a... 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